Building Web Applications in PHP – Detailed Summary and Notes Week 2

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Week 2: HyperText Markup Language

Video 1 – HyperText Markup Language


  • Introduction to HTML:
  • The goal of this lecture is to teach enough HTML to understand the rest of the course.
  • The web consists of three major pieces of software and two network connections: the browser, the web server (e.g., Apache), and the database server (e.g., MySQL).
  • HTML is the format used for documents on the web.
  • The Document Object Model (DOM) represents the view of a web page in a browser.
  • History of HTML:
  • Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau invented HTML in the early 1990s.
  • Initially, the web was for serious documentation but evolved to be more versatile and entertaining.
  • HTML underwent revisions, with HTML5 being the current standard.
  • The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guides HTML standards.
  • HTML Standards and Rules:
  • HTML standards have evolved to become more professional and clear.
  • Tags must be lowercase, start and stop, and attributes should have double quotes.
  • Browsers tolerate many mistakes, but it’s essential to follow modern standards.
  • HTML Document Structure:
  • HTML documents are made up of tags enclosed in angle brackets (< >).
  • Tags define the structure of a document, e.g., <p> for a paragraph.
  • Tags typically have an opening tag and a closing tag, such as <p>…</p>.

This lecture provided an overview of HTML, its history, and basic rules for creating well-structured HTML documents. It laid the foundation for understanding how to work with HTML in the context of web development.


HTML is the format

HTTP is the protocol that is used to retrieve the document


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Tim Berner lee inventor of world wide web

Tim Berner Lee inventor of the world wide web


HTML Coursera University of Michigan


HTML was really tolerant in earlier days.

HTML was really tolerant in earlier days.


We are using HTML 5 today.

We are using HTML 5 today.


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Video 2 – HTML Tags

  • Basic Structure of HTML Documents:
  • An HTML document has two primary parts: the <head> and the <body>.
  • The <head> section contains metadata and links to external resources like CSS stylesheets.
  • The <body> section contains the actual content of the web page.
  • Special Files and Default Pages:
  • Web servers often have default pages for directories, like index.html or index.htm.
  • These files are automatically loaded when you navigate to a directory without specifying a file.
  • HTML Tags and Attributes:
  • HTML documents consist of tags enclosed in angle brackets.
  • Tags define the structure and content of the document.
  • Tags can have attributes that provide additional information about the element.
  • HTML Entities:
  • Special characters like <, >, and & are represented using HTML entities.
  • For example, &lt; represents <, &gt; represents >, and &amp; represents &.
  • HTML Comments:
  • Comments in HTML are enclosed within <!-- and -->.
  • Comments are not displayed in the web page but are helpful for documentation and debugging.
  • Hyperlinks (Anchors):
  • Hyperlinks are created using the <a> (anchor) tag.
  • The href attribute specifies the URL to which the link points.
  • Clicking on the link navigates to the specified URL.
  • Images:
  • Images are embedded in HTML using the <img> tag.
  • The src attribute specifies the image file’s source (URL or file path).
  • Images can be placed within text content to create inline images.
  • Lists:
  • Lists in HTML can be ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted).
  • Ordered lists are created with the <ol> tag, and list items are defined with the <li> tag.
  • Unordered lists are created with the <ul> tag, and list items are also defined with the <li> tag.
  • Tables:
  • Tables are used for tabular data and are created with the <table> tag.
  • Rows in a table are defined using the <tr> tag, and cells within each row use the <td> tag.
  • Tables can also have header rows defined with the <th> tag.
  • Introduction to CSS:
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to control the appearance and layout of HTML elements.
  • CSS can be used to define fonts, colors, spacing, and more.
  • CSS rules are applied to HTML elements, often using selectors to target specific elements.

This lecture provided an overview of how HTML documents are structured, the use of HTML tags and attributes, linking with hyperlinks, embedding images, creating lists, and designing tables. It also introduced the concept of CSS for styling web pages.


Special file Names in HTML. HTM vs HTML

Learn the difference between HTM and an HTML extension [Here]


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Tags that have a beginning and /End..

Tags that have a beginning and /End..





& is used as an escape character in HTML

& is used as an escape character in HTML


HTML CommentsHTML - Hypertext meaning links to other resources.

HTML Comments

HTML – Hypertext meaning links to other resources.


Anchor tag in HTMlL

Anchor tag


Relative linking in HTML

Relative linking


IMages in HTML <img data-lazyloaded=


Listul - unordered listol - ordered list


ul – unordered list

ol – ordered list


Tables are like grids or spreadsheets in HTML<tr> means Table row<th> meaning Tables header<td> meaning Table Data

Tables are like grids or spreadsheets in HTML

<tr> means Table row

<th> meaning Tables header

<td> meaning Table Data


Explore Sample code in HTML

Explore Sample code

Video 3 – Code Walkthrough: HTML

  • Document Object Model (DOM):
  • Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM) and its importance in web development.
  • Highlighting the difference between the DOM and source code, emphasizing that the DOM represents the dynamically generated structure of a web page.
  • HTML Structure:
  • Explanation of the basic structure of an HTML document, including the <html>, <head>, and <body> tags.
  • Demonstrating the use of the <header> element and default styling.
  • HTML Elements:
  • Discussion of various HTML elements, such as headings (<h1>), paragraphs (<p>), anchor tags (<a>), and their purposes.
  • Explanation of how anchor tags can be used to create hyperlinks within a web page using relative and absolute URLs.
  • Pre Tags:
  • Introduction to the <pre> tag, which preserves spaces and displays text in a monospaced font.
  • Mentioning the use of <pre> tags for formatting and displaying code snippets.
  • Unordered Lists:
  • Explanation of unordered lists (<ul>) and list items (<li>).
  • Demonstrating the creation of lists and hyperlinks within list items.
  • Special Characters:
  • Discussing the use of special characters in HTML, such as <, >, and &.
  • Mentioning the importance of representing special characters using their HTML entities (e.g., &lt; for <).
  • Links:
  • Explanation of how to create links using the <a> element, including specifying the href attribute.
  • Introduction to the target=_blank attribute to open links in new tabs or windows.
  • Images:
  • Overview of how images (<img>) are represented in HTML.
  • Demonstrating the inclusion of images within paragraphs and links.
  • Tables:
  • Discussing the use of tables (<table>) in HTML and emphasizing that tables should not be used for layout purposes.
  • Examining table structure, including rows (<tr>), headers (<th>), and data cells (<td>).
  • HTML Validation:
  • Mentioning common HTML validation errors, such as inconsistent casing and missing closing tags.
  • Highlighting how browsers may automatically correct some HTML errors when rendering web pages.
  • DOM Manipulation:
  • Demonstrating the ability to change the Document Object Model (DOM) dynamically through browser tools.
  • Emphasizing that changes to the DOM do not alter the original source code retrieved from the server.
  • Broken HTML:
  • Pointing out that poorly written HTML can lead to rendering issues or failure to display content.
  • Encouraging viewers to analyze and identify problems within the source code.


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Practice Quiz : HTML Answers


Coursera Web application for everybody  week 1. Practice Quiz : HTML Answers


Coursera Web application for everybody  week 1. Practice Quiz : HTML Answers


Coursera Web application for everybody  week 1. Practice Quiz : HTML Answers


Coursera Web application for everybody  week 1. Practice Quiz : HTML Answers

Disclaimer: This blog is intended for educational purposes and no commercialization is intended. All rights belong to Coursera and the University of Michigan.

This is the detailed Week 1 summary, prepared while I was taking the course myself

Week 3 detailed summary and screenshots coming soon…

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